Austin was the lead forecaster for Scalia for the 18-19 school year. With being a former intern for the Athens Emergency Management Agency, he successfully established a working relationship with the agency and Scalia Lab, as well as other important public entities. He was heavily active in OUCAMS serving as both an Event Coordinator and Symposium Logistics Committee Chairman in 2017, 2018 and Vice President (2019). He also participated in the WxChallenge tournament, winning the forecasting tournament at Ohio University in 2018. Austin was also the co-chairman of the StormReady initiative along with Matt Thigpen that successfully made Ohio University StormReady certified in 2020.
As of December 2021, Austin now serves as a meteorologist and entry level data technician for Western Weather Group in Chico, California. In his role, he creates forecasts and manages private weather station data throughout California, as well as locations all over the U.S. His company supports and works with clients primarily in the agricultural and utility/energy fields. His position at Western Weather Group allows him to forecast for different and challenging environments, and occasionally travel to install and repair weather stations. You can contact him at austinp811@gmail.com for any questions or advice.