Lieutenant Colonel John P. Coulter (retired) is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor for an AFJROTC unit located near Bailey, North Carolina. Lt. Col. Coulter was commissioned through the OTS program at Lackland AFB, 3 July 1985. He graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pre-Meteorology in 1983. His career has been a diverse blend of weather service, executive officer, budget, and acquisition jobs. He was the squadron commander of 28 Operational Weather Squadron at Shaw AFB before becoming the Detachment Commander at AFROTC Detachment 650.
MS ’93 International Relations, Troy State University
’85 Meteorology Certificate, Creighton University
BS ’83 Pre-Meteorology Ohio University
’89 Squadron Officer School
’97 Air Command and Staff College
06′ Air War College
2003-2005 28 Operational Weather Squadron Commander, C15W4, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina
2001-2003 USAFE Operational Weather Squadron DO, B15W3, Sembach Air Base Germany
1999-2001 Weather Systems PEM, 15W4, Director of Weather, Pentagon, Washington D.C.